My attempt at Event Modeling Scott Wlaschin's F# book 'Domain Modeling Made Functional': Chapter 1

Event Modeling Scott Wlaschin's F# book 'Domain Modeling Made Functional'

I have taken an interest in what Adam Dymitruk promotes as "Event Modeling". I still find it elusive mainly because of a lack of actual and real examples. I have been convinced (in no small part by Scott Wlaschin) that F# is the language to code in.

I have studied Scott's book Domain Modeling Made Functional: Tackle Software Complexity with Domain-Driven Design and F# often and still fall short of spec'ing or implementing a working program, but I keep trying. I am attempting to combine the two ideas and hopefully build out a UI (probably using a couple of different UI implementations) by event modeling the problem space in the book.

Only through Chapter 1, but at least I have some events. Next will be the more difficult part to assimilate.

GitHub repo where I forked Scott's code from the book.

MIRO board link

In the repo is the miro board export. You can upload it to your miro account if you choose.

Might not be much yet, but it is a start. One event and swim lane at a time. Hopefully inching closer. :)